C.H.O.I.C.E Toolkit and Self-Assessment Questionnnaire

Evaluate Your Child Care for Best Practices in Nutrition and Physical Activity

How does your child care home or center compare with recommended nutrition and physical activity guidelines? Spend a few minutes taking this Self-assessment Questionnaire to get a snapshot of your child care practices. Give yourself a pat on the back for what you are doing well and find out what you might want to improve.

Please ensure we gather all of your agency’s assessment data by choosing a number on this spreadsheet and placing your agency name next to it.  Be sure to tell your assessment takers to use this number to identify themselves where it says  “If you are a part of an agency that directed you to take this SAQ, please insert agency name. If not applicable put N/A.”

Self Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ): A Part of CHOICE Creating Healthy Opportunities in Child Care Environments

The Self-assessment Questionnaire:

  • Gives you an opportunity to review your existing nutrition and physical activity practices.
  • Provides a starting point for staff training and parent education.
  • Can help you develop policies that can make your child care program healthier for children.

Who can benefit from taking the Self-assessment Questionnaire?

  • Family child care providers, and child care center directors, teachers and staff who want to make the child care environment healthier for the children in their care.
  • Parents who want to gain information about best practices for nutrition and physical activity in child care.
  • Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) sponsors and monitors who want to train providers in best practices.
  • Resource and Referral staff who want to better understand nutrition and physical activity best practices in child care.

The following samples provide a starting point for developing policies for your child care program.

For a thorough development of Nutrition and Physical Activity policies, use the CHOICE Creating Healthy Opportunities in Child Care Environments Manual.

CHOICE Creación de Oportunidades de Salud en Entornos de Cuidado Infantil


You can add the Self-Assessment Questionnaire on your website by using the embed code below.  Simply copy and paste it.  If you would like a different size, contact Samantha at [email protected]

<iframe name=’proprofs’ id=’proprofs’ width=’450′ height=’500′ frameborder=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 src=’http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=NjUwMjM0SC3J&id=649948&ew=430′></iframe><div style=’font-size:10px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-align:center;’><a href=’http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=NjUwMjM0SC3J’ target=’_blank’ title=’Self Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ): A Part of CHOICE Creating Healthy Opportunities in Child Care Environments’>Self Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ): A Part of CHOICE Creating Healthy Opportunities in Child Care Environments</a></div>

You may also:

View and download the Self-assessment Questionnaire.

Vea y descargue el Cuestionario de Auto Evaluación.

For more information, please contact Catherine Stafford or Kitty Lenhart at (925) 676-5442

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