Caring for Yourself to be the Most Powerful Superhero!

Session 1-D : 9:50 am – 11:00 am

Julie Kurtz – Co-Director West Ed

This module supports participants to understand their own experiences with stress and/or burnout and how this impacts their current practice and work with children, families and co-workers. A healthy workforce is more equipped and restored to be present for to help one another. Participants will learn about compassion fatigue and the importance of self-care and they will begin to explore strategies they can use to support themselves in work with high needs children and families. If you are born to be a helper, your superpower is nurturing and making a difference by helping others. What better superpower to have to change the world! But you cannot help others any farther than you have helped yourself, you cannot see healthier than you have become. This workshop helps you cast the spotlight on your own self. Join me for a 1 hour and 15 minute journey to the center of you. Make a new pact with yourself. A healthy mind, body and spirit can help unleash your superpowers to their full potential.



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