When Your Child Becomes Angry, Steals, or Lies or Fibs

When your child:
It may mean your child:
Is not successful in doing something important to the child personally.Wants something.Has a vivid imagination.
Has been told, stop, no and don’t too many times.Doesn’t understand property rights.Is imitating someone. Wants to please.
Is being made to do something she doesn’t want to do.Is imitating someone.Fears punishment.
Feels frustrated from too many demands by adults.Has unsatisfied needs.Likes to exaggerate.
Has hostile feelings.Is seeking attention.
So do not:
Become angry.Reject or shame your child.Show how upset you are.
Allow a tantrum to become too extreme.Humiliate your child.Punish, shame or reject your child.
Make your child apologize.
You might try:
Remembering anger is normal and may be expected.Being firm and letting your child know stealing is not acceptable.Looking for the reason.
Observing when your child gets angry and at whom the anger is targeted.Observing the frequency of stealing, the objects taken, from whom the child steals and the reaction when caught.Telling your child the truth yourself.
Observing if your child is able to express anger in acceptable ways.Showing respect for your child’s possessions.Giving attention to who the child is and what he or she does.
Providing a safe outlet for your child’s feelings such as vigorous play, punching bag or finger painting.Helping fill your child’s needs and discussing why a person cannot have or do some things.Providing your child with opportunities for enriching the imagination.
Giving your child a chance to own something to get a sense of ownership.Helping your child discover the difference between fact and fantasy.
Helping your child make friends.

Permission to reproduce granted by Child Action, Inc.

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