30th Annual Early Learning Conference

Saturday, October 19, 2024
Los Medanos College, Pittsburg

Conference Overview

30th Annual Early Learning Conference

Embracing Challenging Behaviors Through Co-Regulation

Keynote Speaker

Ed Center


Village Well
San Francisco

Ed Center was a kid with big feelings and challenging behaviors. He drove his parents and teachers bonkers. Now he helps grown-ups understand and support these kids. Ed founded The Village Well, an organization that helps parents and educators find more calm, joy, and connection. Ed is Triple P™ certified parenting coach and educator who specializes in working with families of color. His goal is to help people to tap into cultural wisdom while interrupting intergenerational pain. Ed is a queer brown dad who has worked in education for 30 years. He and his husband built their family through foster adoption. The child of a Filipino American mom and White American dad, Ed grew up in Hawai’i, and feels at home there, in the Philippines, in San Francisco, and wherever he smells good barbecue.

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El presentacion de la oradora prinicipale, Ed Center, al comienzo de la conferencia tambein va ofrecer traducción simultánea al Español.

Last Year’s Presenters

Samantha Watson-Alvarado


Early Childhood Mental Health Program

Michele Bailey

Early Childhood Educator

Old Firehouse School

Benu Chhabra


Bay Area Professional Family Child Care Network

Juan Huerta Villicana

Assistant Professor

Diablo Valley College

Sonia Roberts


Sonia Denise Roberts

Rachel O’Neal

Child Health and Nutrition Specialist


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