Lead Poisoning Prevention for Child Care Providers

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Kimberly Nguyen, Quality Improvement Navigator Lead poisoning is one of the most common environmental illness among young children under the age of 6 years old. During this presentation, you will learn: -The problems of lead poisoning -The steps to reduce lead exposure -How to inspect for lead -How to share this information with […]

Lead Poisoning Prevention for Child Care Providers

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Kimberly Nguyen, Quality Improvement Navigator Lead poisoning is one of the most common environmental illness among young children under the age of 6 years old. During this presentation, you will learn: -The problems of lead poisoning -The steps to reduce lead exposure -How to inspect for lead -How to share this information with […]

Lead Poisoning Prevention for Child Care Providers (Spanish)

Online Webinar CA, United States

**** Esta clase es en Espanol **** Presented by Kimberly Nguyen, Quality Improvement Navigator Lead poisoning is one of the most common environmental illness among young children under the age of 6 years old. During this presentation, you will learn: -The problems of lead poisoning -The steps to reduce lead exposure -How to inspect for […]

Lead Poisoning Prevention for Child Care Providers

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Kimberly Nguyen, Quality Improvement Navigator Lead poisoning is one of the most common environmental illness among young children under the age of 6 years old. During this presentation, you will learn: -The problems of lead poisoning -The steps to reduce lead exposure -How to inspect for lead -How to share this information with […]

Lead Poisoning Prevention for Child Care Providers

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Kimberly Nguyen, Quality Improvement Navigator Lead poisoning is one of the most common environmental illness among young children under the age of 6 years old. During this presentation, you will learn: -The problems of lead poisoning -The steps to reduce lead exposure -How to inspect for lead -How to share this information with […]

Lead Poisoning Prevention for Child Care Providers

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Kimberly Nguyen, Quality Improvement Navigator Lead poisoning is one of the most common environmental illness among young children under the age of 6 years old. During this presentation, […]

Lead Poisoning Prevention for Child Care Providers

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Kimberly Nguyen, Quality Improvement Navigator Lead poisoning is one of the most common environmental illness among young children under the age of 6 years old. During this presentation, […]

El juego y la niñez

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presentado por Tandem, Partners in Early Learning En este taller interactivo, los participantes aprenderán sobre el desarrollo del juego; a enumerar los beneficios sociales, cognitivos y de desarrollo que produce […]

Trauma 101: Identificar y Entender

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presentado por Tandem, Partners in Early Learning En este taller introductorio, los participantes aprenderán sobre los conceptos básicos del trauma y sus efectos en el cerebro. Discutirán estrategias para responder […]

Trauma 102: Cuidar y Apoyar

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presentado por Tandem, Partners in Early Learning Sobre la base de lo que aprendimos en trauma 101, profundizaremos en estrategias prácticas que respaldan la capacidad de un niño para regular sus emociones, desarrollar resiliencia con el tiempo y hablar sobre experiencias pasadas difíciles de manera segura. Esta serie de capacitación fue codiseñada con First 5 […]

雙語的迷思和真理 粵語講座

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Tandem, Partners in Early Learning 面對所有關於雙語兒童教育的觀點和想法,我們怎麼知道什麼是最好的呢? 加入我們,我們將揭示雙語學習者的真相,並討論如何在家裡和課堂上支持雙語兒童。 Online webinar. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUlce6opzkrEtxIzVXa0jKj2Q77MPxnLs1u

Los mitos y verdades del bilingüismo

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presentado por Tandem, Partners in Early Learning Capacitación para educadores de niñes de temprana edad con Tandem y CoCoKids Con todos los pensamientos y opiniones contrapuestos sobre la educación de […]

Hablando de raza en la primera infancia

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presentado por Tandem, Partners in Early Learning Lidiando Discusiones Raciales en la Primera Infancia En este taller interactivo, discutiremos las formas en que un enfoque que no hable de distinciones […]

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