Tuesday Talks

Online Webinar CA, United States

The Bay Area Professional Child Care Network: Supporting Family Child Care presents “Tuesday Talks” Tuesday TALKS it is a support group for Family Child Care providers in the Bay Area. Come to share ideas, ask questions, and build community with your fellow providers! Register in advance for this meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwsfuGvrjIpE9R4AaE0tgggF53xvCm7dP_m#/registration After registering, you will receive […]

Mandated Reporter Trainings

Online Webinar CA, United States

Presented by Cristina Hickey, Child Abuse Prevention Council of Contra Costa County The Child Abuse Prevention Council provides classes for community educators and professional groups on Mandated Reporting. We will discuss the issues of child abuse and the legal responsibilities of California’s mandated reporters. All child care providers are encouraged to attend. There will not […]

Increase Cooperation by Offering Your Child Choices

Online Webinar CA, United States

Is it always a negotiation when you ask your child to complete a task? Using a “first this, then that” statement is a reliable way to get your child to follow through. In this talk, we will help you design your own “first-then” boards and talk about ways you can use this strategy easily and […]

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